主演:Aleksas Kazanavicius Baiba Broka Karlis Arnolds Avots Alise Danovska
你是否也在寻找:十一月魔鬼时光在一月的声音里刻下喜悦一月六日全职高手飞驰人生热爱篇一月STB超级教师我可以毁掉你During the winter of 1991 in Riga, 18-year old Jazis’ life is fraught with complications.Even though Latvian national independence has been restored, the Soviet Army is stillvery much present in the country and Jazis is at risk of being conscripted and sent to fightin Afghanistan. In January, when tDuring the winter of 1991 in Riga, 18-year old Jazis’ life is fraught with complications.Even though Latvian national independence has been restored, the Soviet Army is stillvery much present in the country and Jazis is at risk of being conscripted and sent to fightin Afghanistan. In January, when the Soviet special services and military units attempt tooverthrow the newly independent government, people start building barricades aroundstrategically important buildings, and Jazis finds himself at the centre of events. Jazis hasnever taken an interest in politics. He is preoccupied with “more important” things – bohemia, girls, and films. He does not actively participate in the barricades but is rather pulledinto this festival of life and death by circumstance. There is another issue – unbeknownstto him, Jazis might have become a father. Or maybe not. Uncertainty is what most preciselydefines public consciousness in the early 1990s in Latvia