主演:玛格丽塔·莫菲诺 Gustavo Guoglielmi Mariela García Agustín Rozados Gimenez Iris Avellaneda Archie Campos José Luis Gómez Sabrina González Inés Bruzzone Andrea Domínguez Felix Bruzzone
你是否也在寻找:五十岚夫妇是伪装的陌生人怪异伪装东京伪装时间伪装伪装变身特工-国语迷心爱痕假面真情 第二季假面真情 第一季变身特工For two minutes, all we see are calves, bare feet and asphalt. Every time a foot hits the ground, it makes a slapping sound, accompanied by the runner’s rapid breathing. The rhythm is steady, and yet there is an urgency to the shot.The runner is Félix Bruzzone, a writer who lives near the Campo de MFor two minutes, all we see are calves, bare feet and asphalt. Every time a foot hits the ground, it makes a slapping sound, accompanied by the runner’s rapid breathing. The rhythm is steady, and yet there is an urgency to the shot.The runner is Félix Bruzzone, a writer who lives near the Campo de Mayo military base on the outskirts of Buenos Aires. His research and experiences serve as the basis for Jonathan Perel’s film Camuflaje. He explains what drives him in voice-over: his mother was disappeared by the military when he was an infant. It was only after purchasing a property close to Campo de Mayo that he learnt that she also died there.What should be done with this wasteland on which the military killed its opponents 45 years ago? Bruzzone speaks with those who live in the area in a series of staged encounters. An estate agent gushes over the rise in property values, a run-in with soldiers turns out better than expected, a survivor of the camp describes how much resistance she faced in trying to erect a memorial, to say nothing of a documentation centre. Bruzzone keeps on running, tirelessly.