主演:琪拉·柯萨林 杰克·格里福 艾蒂森·里克 蒂亚戈·委拉斯凯兹 Maya Le Clark 奥黛丽·惠特比 坦纳·斯泰恩 Kenny Ridwan 海伦·洪 杰夫·米查姆 Michael Foster 哈维·吉兰 杰克·博尔利 罗萨·布拉西 达纳·斯耐德 奥布丽·K·米勒 马特·姆林斯 Daniele Gaither Jason Nash 克里斯·塔尔曼
你是否也在寻找:雷霆特攻队*锅盖头2特警使命之狙击风暴雷霆沙赞!雷神4:爱与雷霆007之雷霆谷007之雷霆杀机007之霹雳弹雷霆沙赞!众神之怒环太平洋:雷霆再起The Thundermans Return follows twins Phoebe and Max who are enjoying their superhero lifestyle in a new city, but when one ‘save’ goes awry, the Thundermans are sent back to Hiddenville. While Hank and Barb enjoy their return, Chloe develops a new friend group, and Billy and Nora begin a normal highThe Thundermans Return follows twins Phoebe and Max who are enjoying their superhero lifestyle in a new city, but when one ‘save’ goes awry, the Thundermans are sent back to Hiddenville. While Hank and Barb enjoy their return, Chloe develops a new friend group, and Billy and Nora begin a normal high school life, Max and Phoebe are determined to regain their superhero status. The movie features the return of show favorites, including familiar locations, and new menacing supervillains.