你是否也在寻找:黑暗之风 第三季格罗斯波因特园艺社群命中注定鬼屋欢乐送(德版) 第一季再帮个小忙冠军之泪犯罪家族之地永不停息的梦:保罗·西蒙的音乐毒劫嗜血法医:源罪The epic story of how families whose children were murdered at Sandy Hook took on conspiracy giant Alex Jones in two historic courtroom trials, holding Jones and InfoWars to account for the toxic myths they started spreading hours after the atrocity. Holding Jones to account involved years of effortThe epic story of how families whose children were murdered at Sandy Hook took on conspiracy giant Alex Jones in two historic courtroom trials, holding Jones and InfoWars to account for the toxic myths they started spreading hours after the atrocity. Holding Jones to account involved years of effort by grieving parents and their legal teams but the result was America’s biggest-ever defamation verdict, a death-blow for Jones with damages of nearly $1bn awarded by juries in Connecticut and Texas. Fake news was put on trial for the first time in America, with unprecedented access to an Austin courtroom. Is this a sustainable way to deal with the “angertainment” pandemic engulfing our societies?源自: