你是否也在寻找:来自谁的启示从地狱来的法官他来自江湖-粤语虞美人盛开的山坡东方的承诺来自远方昨日奇迹来自罗马的男人异形魔怪来自另一个星球的女孩Voices in Deep tells the story of a tragedy at sea which connects the lives of Bobby (Sims), an Australian humanitarian, and two orphaned refugees, Tarek (Hilane) and Zaeed (Karaveras), as they fight for survival in present-day Athens. Bobby compulsively exposes herself to strangers in order to dullVoices in Deep tells the story of a tragedy at sea which connects the lives of Bobby (Sims), an Australian humanitarian, and two orphaned refugees, Tarek (Hilane) and Zaeed (Karaveras), as they fight for survival in present-day Athens. Bobby compulsively exposes herself to strangers in order to dull the tragic memories made at sea, but a chance encounter with Gloria (Papoulia) sees them embark on an adventure together. Meanwhile, Tarek and Zaeed fend for themselves on the streets. Tarek sells his body for food and shelter so as to provide for his increasingly vulnerable, younger brother. Desperate to haul himself and his brother out of their situation, Zaeed takes matters into his own hands, setting off a chain of devastating events.